Introduction to Core Stability for Golf
Join us for an introductory Core Stability for Golf Class. This is a 40 minute Core Stability Class for Golf. In this class you will learn the fundamentals of breathing and core stability for a more stable and powerful golf swing. You will also learn the fundamental movements of the pelvis to ...
Core Stability Class for Golf (40 minute)
2 seasons
This is a 40 minute class designed to improve your core stability for golf. Classes start with maximal diaphragm breathing and spinal mobility and then work into core exercises to improve your core stability, core strength for pelvic motion for the golf swing.
Pelvic control series
This is a series of exercises to help you develop proper pelvic motion in the golf swing.
Maximal expansive breathing
This video will help you to improve your diaphragm breathing by training maximal expansive breathing.
Balance circuit
This is a short balance circuit to help you improve your hip stability, ankle stability and your connection to the ground.
Core and movement flow
This is a short movement flow to help get your body moving and your blood flowing.
Train for a Healthy Back Golf Workshop
This is an 80 minute workshop specifically focused on improving your lower back health for the golf swing. You will learn the fundamentals of spinal mobility, spinal stability and rotation training.
Golf Posture Core Stability Class
3 Fundamental Exercises for a Healthy Spine
3 items
Here are 3 exercises to get you on your way to a healthy spine. The spine is like any other joint and needs to be moved. Regaining movement and control over the spine is crucial to reduce lower back strain in the golf swing and to be able to engage the core properly. Its also important to unde...
Swiss ball rollouts
Swiss ball rollouts are a great way to begin to improve your core stability and strength. Ensure you are in a good neutral spine when rolling out and try not to loose it. Repeat for 4 -8 repetitions.
V-sit thoracic rotations
The v-sit rotations are an intermediate to advanced core exercise which require good core control. If you have a history of lower back pain or issues this may not be the right exercise for you. Ensure you are in a good neutral spine with both sit-bones grounded. Keep your lower body still and r...
Side plank dips
Side plank dips will help you to strengthen the lateral line.
Cross core crunch
This is a core exercise to help improve your core strength.
Pre-Golf Core Prep (workout 2) - 20 minutes
This pre-golf core prep will help to activate your core and glutes prior to your round.
Pre-Golf Core Prep (workout 3) - 5 minutes
This is a short pre-golf workout to help you prepare you body for a better swing. Good core engagement through the swing is crucial for consistency and power.
Lower back - stability exercises and progressions
Join Shannon Heffernan for some key stability exercises to help you prepare your body for the repetitive strain in the golf swing.
Lower back - moblity and strength
Join Shannon Heffernan for some key exercises to help you to improve your spinal mobility and core strength.
Side plank (adductor focus)
In the golf swing your lead leg groin or adductors can go through a lot of strain. This area is often weak which can lead to injury or poor technique. This is a great side plank variation to help you build you stability and strength in the adductors. Work at your level for 10-20s and repeat 2-...