Balance exercises
This is a collection of balance exercises to improve your balance for golf.
Balance board golf posture balance
This is a golf posture balance exercise that uses a wood plank but you can also you a foam noodle or something you can keep in the middle to the balls of your feet. Try and hold this position for 30 seconds or more.
Resistance band 1 foot golf posture balance
This is a balance exercise that will require a resistance band. This exercise will help you to develop better balance and core stability for golf. Work up to holding for 30 seconds on each side.
Balance board walk with lateral transition
Balance board walk with lateral transition in a dynamic balance exercise to help you improve the proprioception in your feet and ankles while walking on a line or board. We use the lateral transition to add difficulty to the balance while adding active internal hip rotation to help improve you h...
Golf posture heel to toe balance
This is a balance drill that will help you to improve the proprioception in your feet and ankles. Try to align your feet completely straight in a good golf posture and then close your eyes. Your goal is to be able to hold this position for 25 seconds or more with each foot forward.
Slant board balance exercise
This is a balance exercise that uses a slant board simulate an uphill lie. Set yourself into a stable and neutral golf posture with your feet together and then slowly lift off your back foot. Make sure you are barefoot to both feel and grip the ground. Try and balance for 30sec + on each foot.
Golf posture balance drill with putting motion
Balance and hip mobility circuit
Balance circuit
This is a short balance circuit to help you improve your hip stability, ankle stability and your connection to the ground.
1 leg golf posture balance with hip strengthening
This balance exercise will help you to improve your golf posture balance and strengthen your hips at the same time. Ensure you maintain a strong and stable core while raising the leg. Your goal is to stay in neutral spine throughout all hip movements.
EP 8 - Improve your footwork and balance
If you struggle with the proper footwork and balance in your swing this video can help. Join Wes Heffernan as he discusses footwork and balance in the swing. Join Shannon Heffernan for exercises and movement drills to help you improve your ankle mobility and your balance for better footwork.