3 Fundamental Exercises for a Healthy Spine
Here are 3 exercises to get you on your way to a healthy spine. The spine is like any other joint and needs to be moved. Regaining movement and control over the spine is crucial to reduce lower back strain in the golf swing and to be able to engage the core properly. Its also important to understand how to stabilize and control your pelvis and spine in order to protect your spine and to help create a more powerful and efficient golf swing. You can work on these exercises daily but a minimum of 3-4 days a week is needed to see improvement and to gain a better sense of control and body awareness.
Spinal segmentation
Spinal segmentation is one of the fundamental exercises to improve your spinal mobility and gain proper core control. Good spinal mobility along with proper core control is a necessity for an efficient golf swing. It will also help you decrease your risk of low back injury with golf. You will ...
Segmented cats and dogs
This is a spinal mobility exercise to help you to improve your lumbar (lower back) and thoracic (upper back) flexion and extension. Proper spinal segmentation is a key to helping you improve your golf posture and set up as well as your rotation in the backswing and downswing.
Work slowly throu...
Dead bug progression