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Mobility routine for better lower body rotation in the downswing
Mobility Training
Join Golf Mobility Specialist Shannon Heffernan for this mobility and movement routine to imrpove your lower body rotation in the downswing. Learn how to mobility your hips and improve your lower body separation.
Up Next in Mobility Training
PAILs and RAILs Introduction (flexibi...
We all know that stretching is important to gain optimal joint range of motion for golf, but what we don't know is that passive stretching will only increase our flexibility. What we need for golf is what we call, mobility. Mobility is flexibility + strength. Functional Range Systems have coin...
Improve your wrist hinge
Join Shannon Heffernan for this short video on how to improve your wrist hinge with a few simple exercises.
Lower back - moblity and strength
Join Shannon Heffernan for some key exercises to help you to improve your spinal mobility and core strength.