Full Swing Instruction

This category of videos will help you to improve your long game.

  • Full Swing Fundamentals

    10 items

    This is a series of videos that will help you improve your full swing fundamentals. Videos will cover: grip, stance, posture, ball position and alignment.

  • Playing Lessons with Wes Heffernan

    6 items

    Join Wes Heffernan on course to help your improve your game.

  • The Mindset of a Golf Shot

    6 items

    In this series we discuss the mindset and mental routines that will help you play better by thinking better. We will discuss pre shot routine, mindset over the ball, breathing, jaw relaxation and post shot routines.

  • Full Swing Practice Drills

    18 items

    This is a collection of practice drills to help you improve your long game.

  • Clubface at set up

    This video discusses the club face at set up and making sure you pay attention how the club is set up before you swing

  • Trail arm mechanics

    A video discussing your trail arm during the golf swing.

  • Footwork

    This video discusses the pressure movement in our feet during the golf swing.

  • Get ready for the season

    In this video we talk about changing your practice focus to prepare yourself for that first tee shot and round of the season.

  • EP 3 - How to improve your pelvic motion in the downswing

    This video discusses the pelvic movement in the downswing and exercises to help you improve it.

  • EP 7 - Wrist mechanics in the downswing

    Join Wes Heffernan as he discusses wrist mechanics in the downswing.

  • Body / Swing Connection Series

    1 season

  • Holding your finish

    This video talks about the power of holding your finish and committing to your target rather than trying to hit the golf ball.

  • Carry yardage vs roll

    Wes discusses on course tactics and will help you understand carry and roll distance and how to choose your clubs based on the carry distance to your target.