Full Swing Practice Drills
This is a collection of practice drills to help you improve your long game.
Takeaway checkpoint drill
Golf posture balance drill
This is a golf posture balance drill to help you find the proper balance point before you swing.
Impact drill
A video discussing impact and what it should look like and a drill to feel that position.
Alignment stick drill for better rotation
A video showing a drill you can do at home to help you improve your rotation through the ball.
Visualization at address exercise
In this video we discuss practicing your visualization while at address and refining it to make it routine.
Door frame impact rehearsal
A video discussing impact and separating the lower body from the upper body to get into a better impact position.
Slow motion swing rehearsals
Join Wes Heffernan and learn how slow motion swing rehearsals can help you implement your new swing technique.
Balance and the BodiTrak
In this video we discuss using Boditrak. Measuring your balance and pressure during the swing, can help you make improvements and correct flaws in your swing by improving how you use the ground.
Visualization for shot shaping
This is a short video on how visualization can help you shape your shots. Wes will help you understand how to visualize a fade and a draw to be able to better execute these shots in a round of golf or tournament.
Swing speed training pitfalls
In this video, I discuss things to avoid in trying to gain swing speed and mistakes I have made in an effort to swing faster.
Footwork in the golf swing
Are you too static in your golf posture and set up. Join Wes Heffernan for this footwork video to help you swing better and play better.
Uphill and downhill lies
Join Wes Heffernan for help on hitting shots of uphill and downhill lies.
Tempo practice
A drill you can do on the range to help you learn how to control tempo. Learning to hit balls with different speed swings can help you develop a better tempo and become a better ball striker.
Holding your finish
This video talks about the power of holding your finish and committing to your target rather than trying to hit the golf ball.
Finding your balance point
Join Wes Heffernan for a short video on how to properly find your balance point over the ball.
Hitting into the wind
A video talking about the benefits of flighting the ball down into the wind.
How to make better decisions on the course
A video about how better golfers take in more information easily and make better decisions using the information collected.