The Mindset of a Golf Shot

The Mindset of a Golf Shot

In this series we discuss the mindset and mental routines that will help you play better by thinking better. We will discuss pre shot routine, mindset over the ball, breathing, jaw relaxation and post shot routines.

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The Mindset of a Golf Shot
  • Pre-shot visualization

    In this video we discuss developing your own unique preshot visualization routine based on how you best picture a golf shot.

  • Breathing

    This video is a discussion on proper breathing and how it can be used to combat nerves and play better golf.

  • Jaw relaxation

    This video is a discussion about relaxing your jaw as a way to compliment proper breathing which is a very powerful way of dealing with tension and optimizing a proper mindset.

  • Visualization at Address

    In this video we continue to discuss your mental routine as you step into the ball to hit your shot. We talk about making sure you are aware of the picture you created so we can hit to that picture.

  • Post-shot routine

    In this video we discuss post shot routines and learning to not attention negative emotions to poor golf shots.

  • Mental process under pressure

    Join Wes Heffernan for this insightful video on how to improve your mental process to better deal with pressure situations on the golf course.