Top 5 movement drills for a better golf swing

Top 5 movement drills for a better golf swing

Learning to swing a golf club can be very difficult if you body does not have the movement required for an efficient swing. For most golfers creating separation and the coordination of different parts moving and different times can be very challenging. By working on your body awareness and your movement you can begin to develop the proper movement and mobility to create a better golf swing. Here are 5 of the top movement drills that can help you create a better golf swing.

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Top 5 movement drills for a better golf swing
  • Hip hinging

    Hip hinging is an important exercises to help you isolate the hip with forward flexion and reduce lower back rounding. This exercise will also help you obtain a better golf posture and help you use your lower body more effectively in the swing.

    Frequency - Daily

    - start standing t...

  • Golf posture pelvic tilting

    This golf posture pelvic tilting drill will help you find a proper neutral lower back position in your golf posture. Your ability to move your lower back and pelvic tilt effectively will also help you to create lower body separation.

    Frequency: Daily
    - great a good golf posture with ...

  • Golf posture pelvic rotations

    Golf posture pelvic rotations will help you to separate your lower body and help you to learn how to rotate thorough the swing more effectively.

    Frequency: 3-5 repetitions/ side Daily
    - great a good golf posture with a hip hinge and knee flex with the weight on the balls of your feet

  • Golf posture torso rotations

    Golf posture torso rotations will help you to determine if you can separate your upper body from your lower body. This movement is important for both full swing and short game. It also gives you insight into your upper back mobility.

  • Golf Posture hip rotation drill

    This is a great drill to help you improve your hip mobility in rotation as well as build your body awareness for better rotation in your golf swing. Start in a good neutral golf posture and put one foot back. Keep your front knee out with an engaged front hip. With your hands on your hips rota...