Top 3 stretches to improve internal hip rotation
This is a playlist of stretch videos that will help you to improve your hip internal rotation. Internal rotation is crucial to loading into your backswing and rotating though the ball into the downswing and followthrough. Restricted internal hip rotation can cause a lack of rotation through the ball and is a risk for lower back injury in golf. Work on these stretches 3-4 days a week and you will see a difference in your rotation. ** If you feel any pinching our pain in any of the positions don't work through them and go to see a qualified professional to assess your hips.
Groin stretch
This is a great stretch to help your reduce tightness in the groin/ adductors. Tightness in the groin can affect proper rotation into your downswing.
Hamstring stretch (seated)
This is a hamstring PAIL/RAIL stretch to help improve your hip flexion and reduce compensation through the lower back. Proper hip mobility is crucial for a consistent and efficient golf swing.
1-2 minute stretch - deep diaphragm breathing into the back of the leg (hamstring) complete relax an...
90/90 internal hip rotation stretch
The 90/90 internal hip rotation stretch will help you to improve your hip rotation for a better golf swing. Optimal internal hip rotation is needed for a proper loading into the trail hip in the backswing and a proper rotation and post into the lead hip in the downswing. Restriction in internal...