Bear sit stretch
Hip Mobility
4m 5s
The bear sit stretch will help you improve your hip external rotation and abduction. For golf this is important to improve your lower body move at transition and to improve your mobility in your backswing. Start with a tall sitting position with both sit bones on the ground with even weight. Stay long with your spine without round or arching. You may need to sit against a wall or use a block to get your spine long. With your lower body your knees will be at 90 degrees and your feet inline with your knees. Pull your toe up to your nose flexing the foot. You should be feeling a good inner thigh stretch. Hold and breath fro 1-2 minutes deep diaphragm breathing. After you 1-2 minute hold start your PAILs contraction but pushing the knees up into the arms, ramp up the contraction slowly 20%, 40%, 60%, and maintain your back position. Hold contraction for 10-15 seconds. Relax and then start your RAILs contraction by engaging your outer hips to pull the knees down aware from the elbows. Ramp up slowly 20%, 40%, 60%. Relax and you should be able to feel the legs lower 15 more degrees after your PAILs and RAILs. You can take this new range and breath for 30 more seconds and repeat the PAIL and RAIL.
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