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Week 4 - Core Stability

5 Week Foundation Training for Golf • 54s

Up Next in 5 Week Foundation Training for Golf

  • Dead bug progression

  • Front plank

    Front planks will help you build your anterior core stability. Depending on your level you can hold the plank on your knees or your toes.

    - Daily
    - 2-4 sets of 10-30s

    - place your elbows under your shoulders
    - try to align your shoulders and hips to make a table top po...

  • Side plank

    The side plank will help you develop stability in the lateral line. Specifically you will improve strength in the obliques QL and muscles in the side of the hip. Start on your knees and then gradually build to your feet. Repeat 2-3 sets of 10s each side and gradually build up to 2-3 sets of 20...