This is a a 20 minute golf mobility class to help you improve your range of motion and mobility for golf. This workout focuses on improving your hip and shoulder mobility for golf. Stretches include shoulder external rotation and hip pigeon.
Up Next in Season 1
EP 10 - 20 Minute Mobility for Golf (...
This is a a 20 minute golf mobility routine to help you improve your range of motion and mobility for golf. This workout focuses on improving your hip and ankle mobility for golf.
EP 11 - 20 minute mobility for golf (...
This is a 20 minute golf mobility routine to help you improve your range of motion and mobility for golf. This workout focuses on improving your mobility prior to your golf round. The focus is on hips, spine and shoulders.
EP 12 - 20 minute mobility for golf (...
This is a a 20 minute golf mobility routine to help you improve your range of motion and mobility for golf. This is a pre-golf routine that will help you mobilize areas that are needed for an efficient golf swing.