This series of short game videos will cover every aspect of the short game throughout the course of the winter. We will go over the concepts that are required to improve your short game, as well as dispelling certain myths that you may have heard. You will learn how to develop your own skillset as well as imagination, so that you look forward to every shot you get to hit around the green. Having the ability to score around the greens can help to save your round when you are struggling, as well as making the good rounds great. It will be a fun, informative and interactive series, where you will learn what the best players in the world do in order to get the ball in the hole as fast as possible.
Up Next in Season 1
Short Game Series with Scott Stiles -...
This series of short game videos will cover every aspect of the short game throughout the course of the winter. We will go over the concepts that are required to improve your short game, as well as dispelling certain myths that you may have heard. You will learn how to develop your own skillset a...
Short Game Series with Scott Stiles -...
This series of short game videos will cover every aspect of the short game throughout the course of the winter. We will go over the concepts that are required to improve your short game, as well as dispelling certain myths that you may have heard. You will learn how to develop your own skillset a...
Short Game Series with Scott Stiles -...
This series of short game videos will cover every aspect of the short game throughout the course of the winter. We will go over the concepts that are required to improve your short game, as well as dispelling certain myths that you may have heard. You will learn how to develop your own skillset a...